Stop being lazy

de John Sonmez

Stop being lazy

Por qué lo he leído

De qué trata el libro

Conclusiones y valoración

Qué he aprendido

Frases que me gustaría recordar

Notas tomadas

SECTION I INTRODUCTION What this book is about Chapter 2: My Story—How I stopped being lazy and became a bulldog Chapter 3: You too, can be a bulldog—Here’s how

Once you make a decision, a real decision that you are 100% committed to, your mindset will change. And our mindsets reflect the decisions we make.  When we change our mindset, we become different people.  When you become a different person, you act like this new person that you’ve decided to become. SECTION II CHANGE YOUR MINDSET Chapter 4: Start a fucking revolution…in your mind before you start a revolution in your mind, you must have a powerful vision. Always remember, the revolution of your mind will not happen in one day or with one act of courage.  The revolution of your mind will take place over time. In order to make your new identity of being a bulldog more real and to put even more distance between yourself and your old identity of being lazy, you must take action…actions of a bulldog. Chapter 5: Establish a new regime—The bulldog mindset

What we consume, we become. Por similitud a somos lo que comemos Chapter 6: Stand up, face your fears, and crush them At the root of laziness is fear. He said that when you have panic attacks, instead of trying to avoid them, just experience it.  Just face He said that when you have panic attacks, instead of trying to avoid them, just experience it.  Just face it. And when you let your fears fester and you don’t deal with them, they will take over your life. Once you identify them, do what I did and step into them. What fears are you holding onto?  What fears were at the base of your old mindset?  Was it fear of rejection? Fear of failure?  Dig deep and identify your fears.  Once you identify them, do what I did and step into them. Chapter 7: Obliterate the habits that are making you lazy If you do something or neglect to do something every day, it becomes a part of you. You must delete habits that make you lazy and replace them with habits that will make you a bulldog. If you do something or neglect to do something every day, it becomes a part of you. Chapter 8: Build a new kingdom—The environment of a bulldog Even with a changed mindset and changed habits, if your environment does not support you, or worse, goes against your efforts, you can very easily fall back into being lazy. Chapter 9:  Build new muscles—Do hard shit

for mental and physical hardship.  That’s right.  You have to proactively do hard shit. You have to proactively do hard shit. Hard shit that I don’t fucking have to do, but that I make myself do to develop both mental and physical toughness. “Sweat more in training. Bleed less in war”. When you pick your own hard shit to do, make sure that whatever you choose will help you grow in some way. Chapter 10: Don’t start shit you can’t finish—Become a finisher

You need to see what waits for you at the finish line.  It helps when you are excited about your projects, You need to see what waits for you at the finish line.  It helps when you are excited about your projects, but excitement will only get you so far.  What will carry you across the finish line is commitment.  100% commitment.  If you are not fully committed, you won’t finish. Tener objetivos y determinacion What also pushes you across the finish line is a clear and solid deadline. Chapter 11: Defeat overwhelm—Learn how to feast on an elephant

Overwhelm is one of the most popular excuses for being Overwhelm is one of the most popular excuses for being lazy.  The Overwhelm is one of the most popular excuses for being lazy.  The remedy for this is to face it and then overcome it. Face overwhelm by sitting with this feeling and really feeling it.  Don’t try to avoid the discomfort of how it Face overwhelm by sitting with this feeling and really feeling it.  Don’t try to avoid the discomfort of how it feels. prioritize your tasks and projects over a period of time so that you can focus on them and get them done. Chapter 12: Life is a fucking adventure—Take risks

Fear of failure, fear of rejection, or even fear of success.  And as we’ve already learned, the only way to deal with fear is to face it and crush it. Chapter 13: Go Public—Publically declare that you are now a bulldog and show ‘em what you’re made of

SECTION III KEEP MOVING FORWARD Chapter 14:  Always be in constant pursuit of a better version of yourself If you don’t want to move back, you have to keep moving forward. there’s always room for improvement. “what happens after my vision becomes a reality?” You want to have a plan in place for the next leg of your journey. Throughout your journey, you must revisit the vision you have for your Throughout your journey, you must revisit the vision you have for your life.  One Chapter 15: Always remember why you stopped being lazy When you reach a low point on your journey out of laziness, remember the progress you’ve made and how far you’ve come. Chapter 16: Never give up even when it hurts Growing pains are usually followed by rewards.  The pain of mediocrity and laziness are usually accompanied with regret, SECTION IV CONCLUSION & THE BULLDOG’S PLAYLIST Chapter 17: Conclusion Chapter 18: Special Bonus:
