de Mark Lauren
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unequivocally state You Are Your Own Gym is a must read for anyone truly interested in their well-being What if I told you that you already have the most advanced fitness machine ever created? Your own body MISSION SUCCESS: Lean, Strong, and Confident HOW I GOT HERE WHY BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES POPULARITY OF TRAINING EQUIPMENT, systems, and fad diets is mostly the result of marketing—not a genuine attempt to help a generally out-of-shape society reach higher levels of fitness and well-being POPULARITY OF TRAINING EQUIPMENT, systems, and fad diets is mostly the result of marketing—not a genuine attempt to help a generally out-of-shape society reach higher levels of fitness and well-being MYTH: BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES DON’T ALLOW YOU TO ADJUST THE DIFFICULTY OF AN EXERCISE There’s a common misperception out there that bodyweight exercise options are limited. Push Ups, Pull Ups, Sit Ups—and not much else.Hmmmm… Did I mention that there’s over 111 different exercises in this book? And that’s not including their variations. The fact is there’s a far wider array of exercises in this book than there are machines in any gym in the world. Other people think it’s impossible to work certain muscle groups with bodyweight exercises. Wrong again. Every single muscle group, and some you didn’t know existed can be worked without weights—from getting rid of a pencil neck to using your shin muscles to round out your calves. The only limiting factor with bodyweight exercises is your creativity. Every weightlifting motion can be mimicked, made harder or easier, with your own bodyweight. And unlike those machines in the gym, there are seemingly infinite ways to vary any of my exercises, keeping your muscles guessing and growing for the rest of your life. For example, I detail Push Ups that even a 600-pound man (or 70 year-old woman, for that matter) could do. And then there’s ones, like the Planche Push Up, most professional bodybuilders won’t be able to execute without lots of practice. My 10-week program actu-10 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM MYTH: BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES DON’T ALLOW YOU TO ADJUST THE DIFFICULTY OF AN EXERCISE There’s a common misperception out there that bodyweight exercise options are limited. Push Ups, Pull Ups, Sit Ups—and not much else.Hmmmm… Did I mention that there’s over 111 different exercises in this book? And that’s not including their variations. The fact is there’s a far wider array of exercises in this book than there are machines in any gym in the world. Other people think it’s impossible to work certain muscle groups with bodyweight exercises. Wrong again. Every single muscle group, and some you didn’t know existed can be worked without weights—from getting rid of a pencil neck to using your shin muscles to round out your calves. The only limiting factor with bodyweight exercises is your creativity. Every weightlifting motion can be mimicked, made harder or easier, with your own bodyweight. And unlike those machines in the gym, there are seemingly infinite ways to vary any of my exercises, keeping your muscles guessing and growing for the rest of your life. For example, I detail Push Ups that even a 600-pound man (or 70 year-old woman, for that matter) could do. And then there’s ones, like the Planche Push Up, most professional bodybuilders won’t be able to execute without lots of practice. My 10-week program actu-10 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM MYTH: BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES DON’T ALLOW YOU TO ADJUST THE DIFFICULTY OF AN EXERCISE There’s a common misperception out there that bodyweight exercise options are limited. Push Ups, Pull Ups, Sit Ups—and not much else.Hmmmm… Did I mention that there’s over 111 different exercises in this book? And that’s not including their variations. The fact is there’s a far wider array of exercises in this book than there are machines in any gym in the world. Other people think it’s impossible to work certain muscle groups with bodyweight exercises. Wrong again. Every single muscle group, and some you didn’t know existed can be worked without weights—from getting rid of a pencil neck to using your shin muscles to round out your calves. The only limiting factor with bodyweight exercises is your creativity. Every weightlifting motion can be mimicked, made harder or easier, with your own bodyweight. And unlike those machines in the gym, there are seemingly infinite ways to vary any of my exercises, keeping your muscles guessing and growing for the rest of your life. For example, I detail Push Ups that even a 600-pound man (or 70 year-old woman, for that matter) could do. And then there’s ones, like the Planche Push Up, most professional bodybuilders won’t be able to execute without lots of practice. My 10-week program actu-10 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM WHY STRENGTH TRAINING? (or Why Cardio Is a Waste of Your Time) is a myth that doing prolonged steady state training—usually maintaining a target heart rate for 30 to 60 minutes—like aerobics or “cardio” is the best way to burn calories and achieve cardiovascular health is a myth that doing prolonged steady state training—usually maintaining a target heart rate for 30 to 60 minutes—like aerobics or “cardio” is the best way to burn calories and achieve cardiovascular health More bad news for aerobic activity: Whether it’s running, cycling, or a step class, the main reason it gets easier the more you do it, is not because of improved cardiovascular conditioning, but because of improved economy of motion cusnto mas practicas un maraton. menos energia gastas Muscle is the most metabolically expensive tissue we have in a month—that’s the equivalent of two pounds of fat. Muscle is the single greatest tool for weight loss fat. Muscle is the single greatest tool for weight loss ANSWER: INTERVAL STRENGTH TRAINING injury.Most, even so-called “low impact” classes or activities like stationary cycling, are not necessarily low-force. And things like running are extremely high-force, damaging to your knees, hips and back. Aerobic dance is even worse.Sure, you’ll hear the occasional genetic exception declare that they’ve never ever been injured doing these exercises. But overuse injuries are cumulative and often build undetected over years until it’s too late, leading to a decrease or loss of mobility as you age, which, in turn, too often leads to a shortened lifespan. Any effect you are seeking from aerobic activity can be achieved more safely and efficiently with high-intensity strength training.Remember, your cardiovascular system supports your muscular system, not the other way around. An elevated heart rate means nothing by itself. Being nervous before a full combat equipment nighttime High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) formation jump always sent my heart rate skyrocketing, but it didn’t make my belt any looser. And even if you insisted on measuring the efficacy of an exercise by an increase in heart rate, I dare you to get it up higher than with my “Stappers. ” So there we have it: Interval strength training is superior to aerobic activity in burning fat, as well as building strength, speed, power, and even cardiovascular endurance. All this in far less time than tedious “cardio” sessions14 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM aerobic activities do carry with them a great risk of injury.Most Any effect you are seeking from aerobic activity can be achieved more safely and efficiently with high-intensity strength training SO WHAT IS “FITNESS,” ANYWAY
physical qualities that are most attractive, as opposed to those that have very limited usefulness. It is diversity in physical ability that is most useful and functional, not to mention beautiful It is diversity in physical ability that is most useful and functional, not to mention beautiful So, my program develops the entire spectrum of physical skills: Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Power, Speed, Coordination, Balance, and Flexibility. The degree to which you possess these eight physical qualities defines your level of fitness NUTRITION: Back to Basics The only reliable method of reaching and maintaining your long-term fitness goals is by understanding and consistently applying dietary fundamentals la palabra aqui es consistentemente healthy. Eating the wrong things is what causes unhealthy cravings for excess calories. This is because bad foods can throw our hormones out of whack, feeling unsatisfied and under-nourished On the other hand, the calories in vs. calories out folks believe that weight control is simply a matter of how many calories are eaten in relation to how many calories are burned, regardless of what the food sources are. Using this theory, a person maintaining a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day should loose one pound per week, since one pound of bodyweight is equivalent to 3500 calories (500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories). Which of these is right? They both are.But, even though it might sound funny, I have to say that the “what you eat people” are more correct. I know this both from science and countless trials. The proof is in the pudding.Yes, you will lose weight by creating a continual calorie deficit, but if those limited calories are coming from mainly overly processed foods with little nutritional value, it will leave you feeling terrible and constantly craving food.Plus, such a diet will reap havoc on your hormones causing you to cannibalize muscle instead of burning fat. This is the diet that most people turn to and it is the reason why weight loss is rarely permanent. As I will discuss shortly, the body’s resting metabolic rate (RMR) is a key player in our ability to stay lean, and it is affected to a large degree by our body composition with muscle being our greatest calorie burning ally. With that said, it’s important to place the emphasis 20 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM about what you eat vs. how much you eat. Some claim weight control is simply a matter of what you eat. They believe if you eat the right foods in the right proportions, you’ll be healthy the calories in vs. calories out folks believe that weight control is simply a matter of how many calories are eaten in relation to how many calories are burned, regardless of what the food sources are I have to say that the “what you eat people” are more correct the body’s resting metabolic rate (RMR) is a key player in our ability to stay lean, and it is affected to a large degree by our body composition with muscle being our greatest calorie burning ally Macronutrients consist of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates Each macronutrient plays a vital role in our health and well-being, and excluding any one of them will cause you to feel unsatisfied and tired So the longer it takes for a carb to be broken down into glucose, the better many simple carbs actually absorb at a much slower rate than many complex carbs The glycemic index measures the rate of absorption of carbs. A carb that has a low glycemic index absorbs slowly (good), and a carb with high glycemic index absorbs rapidly (bad). For a comprehensive list of foods and their glycemic indices, see You will find that many fruits and vegetables have a much lower glycemic index than grains and pastas Ideally, the carbs we eat should be as close to their original form as possible dietary fat does not automatically convert to body fat Saturated fats much of what you find at fast food chains Unsaturated come from plant sources such as nuts, seeds, non-hydrogenated vegetable oils, soy, olives, olive oil, flax seed oil, and fish be sure to consume mainly good, unsaturated fats And those saturated fats you do eat should only come naturally from the dairy and meat you consume PROTEIN The most important, but most commonly neglected macronutrient this. Protein should be the center of every meal RMR RESTING METABOLIC RATE (RMR
RMR is the amount of calories needed to sustain all of your body’s functions while at rest. RMR accounts for approximately 65% of your body’s total calorie consumption The main factor is lean body mass, which accounts for approximately 80% of our RMR. And there’s only one way to affect lean body mass: Build muscle Another way to positively influence our RMR is to provide our body with a steady flow of nutrients. The body is extremely resourceful, and during times of starvation it adapts by slowing down its RMR The more meals you eat in a day, the more consistently your metabolism is boosted Intense exercise also boosts the metabolism for up to 48 hours after completion CALCULATING DAILY CALORIE EXPENDITURE If you don’t feel like making these calculations yourself, on you can find an RMR calculator. To convert your weight in pounds into kilograms (kg) divide your weight in pounds by 2.2. Pounds / 2.2 = kg To convert height in inches to height in centimeters (cm) multiply your height in inches by 2.54. Inches x 2.54 = cm26 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM a mi me sale entre 2400 / 2700 CALCULATING DAILY CALORIE EXPENDITURE Hooya You don’t ever need to “fill ‘er up. ” The difference between feeling “satisfied” and feeling “full” after a meal is about 1,000 calories.Then, even worse, there are about 2,500 calories between feeling full and feeling “stuffed calories into our mouth. Get into the habit of eating until you are no longer hungry, not until you are completely stuffed stuffed Get into the habit of eating until you are no longer hungry, not until you are completely stuffed Take your time, chew your food, and relax LOSING WEIGHT The bottom line for fat loss: 1) Build some calorie burning muscle through strength training; 2) Create a modest calorie deficit through dietary restraint Taking your time will prevent muscle loss and maximize your chances of keeping the weight off permanently Remember, it isn’t simply about weight. It’s about body composition—less fat and more muscle GAINING WEIGHT MEAL SUPPLEMENTS KEEPING A LOG COMMON STRENGTH TRAINING MYTHS OT RE D U C T I O SP OT RE D U C T I O N fat loss can be isolated to a particular area of the body estamos hablando de mitos. eh
MU S C L E CA N TU R N I N T O FA T YO U R MU S C L E S WI L L GE T TO O BI G IF YO U DO ST R E N G T H TR A I N I N the initial gains in muscularity that are common within the first couple of weeks of strength training are largely due to an increase in circulation within the muscles.Similarly, the jumps in strength are mostly due to the body’s neurological adaptation to new movements rather than added muscle mass. The fear that you will accidentally become more muscular than you intended or that you will start growing uncontrollably is unfounded. For women, consistently gaining a half pound of muscle a month is outstanding progress. For men, a pound and a half is comparable. Keep in mind, this will occur under ideal conditions only. A muscular body is built through consistent dedication to strength training and proper nutrition. It won’t happen overnight or accidentally. This brings us to another myth… WO M E N SH O U L D TR A I N DI F F E R E N T L Y TH A N ME N A common misperception is that women will get bulky from strength training. They won’t. Not unless they start popping pills and sticking needles in their buttocks. There is no reason to train differently based purely on your sex. Both sexes gain and lose muscle and fat the same way. It’s true, men and women often have different goals. But surprisingly, these different goals can be achieved with the same programCommon Strength Training Myths 35 the initial gains in muscularity that are common within the first couple of weeks of strength training are largely due to an increase in circulation within the muscles WO M E N SH O U L D TR A I N DI F F E R E N T L Y TH A N ME Again, building and maintaining muscle, alone, is the most effective way to burn fat and calories MO R E I S BE T T MO R E I S BE T T E Remember, your muscles grow while you rest U CA N RE S H A P E A MU S C L E B Y DO I N G IS O L A T I O N EX E R C I I S E S Nope. Your muscles can only get bigger or smaller. The shape that your muscles take, as they change in size, is determined not by the specific exercises you do, but by genetics36 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM U CA N RE S H A P E A MU S C L E B Y DO I N G IS O L A T I O N EX E R C I Your muscles can only get bigger or smaller. The shape that your muscles take, as they change in size, is determined not by the specific exercises you do, but by genetics YO U NE E D HI G H RE P S F O R DE F I N I T I O N A N D LO W RE P S F OR MA S S Neither your body nor a particular muscle will become more defined by doing a high amount of repetitions of any exercise as opposed to doing low repetitions. How defined a muscle is will be determined by its size and the amount of fat around it, period. For definition we need to do what most effectively builds muscle and burns fat. Doing high reps in order to burn extra calories is extremely ineffective, and the muscle built will be limited, and we should always remember our greatest calorie burning ally: You guessed it— muscle. A consistent variety of high-intensity interval training along with proper nutrition is the way to get defined muscles. If too much size is truly an issue, simply cut back on the calories, because the major factor affecting mass is nutrition. Most adult males could do workouts in the low 2-5 rep range on a 1500 calorie diet for the rest of their days without ever gaining any size. It’s true that low rep workouts, consisting of powerful and explosive movements, will build more size (but not less definition) than high rep workouts, because the “fast twitch” muscle fibers required in explosive movements are much larger than “slow twitch” fibers required for more enduring tasks. But really, for mass, wouldn’t you want to recruit all possible muscle fibers and not just the fast twitch? Likewise, for “definition”—that is, losing body fat so the striations in your muscles show more—wouldn’t you want to recruit all possible muscle fibers, especially since the number one factor affecting our resting metabolic rate, and thus fat loss, is muscle mass? The only thing you should alter depending on your goal—whether it’s to tone or bulk up—is nutritionCommon Strength Training Myths 37 YO U NE E D HI G H RE P S F O R DE F I N I T I O N A N D LO W RE P S F OR MA S E N G T H TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U BI G A N D CA R D I O V A S C U L A R TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U LE A N Again, dietary intake is the major factor that regulates body composition. While prolonged moderate pace exercise such as aerobics will help slightly increase your caloric expenditure, it will do little to build muscle. Without strength training, you are neglecting the best fat burning tool in your arsenal: More muscle! I’m sure you’re getting the idea by now… Nothing raises the body’s resting metabolic rate more effectively than muscle. A few extra pounds of lean muscle will burn approximately the same amount of calories throughout the day that the average aerobics class will. Added muscle makes you burn more calories even while you sleep. To gain weight, increase your calorie intake and build muscle through strength training. To get lean, decrease your calorie intake and increase your resting metabolic rate by building muscle. YO U CA N’T BU I L D MU S C L E A N D LO S E FA T A T T H E SA M E TI M E If you’re just beginning this program after a long period without much exercise, with proper nutrition, you’ll experience gains in strength while losing fat at the same time. For those more advanced athletes, it’s tough, but not impossible. With a perfect balance of complex carbs, good fats, and enough protein, your body can achieve these seemingly separate goals. RE S T R I C T I V E DI E T S People often starve themselves in order to loose weight. That’s a no-go! The body is very resourceful, and it will slow down its metabolic rate in order to compensate for the lack of calories. It tries to hold onto every calorie you consume, since it is unsure when it will be fed again.Then, once you resume your normal caloric intake, your metabolic rate remains slowed down. This is why people who try restrictive diets usually gain their original weight back and often some more too. The good news is that if you want to lose weight, you should never be hungry. A well balanced diet consisting of small frequent meals (every 2.5 - 3.5 hours) is the key to long term success38 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM E N G T H TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U BI G A N D CA R D I O V A S C U L A R TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U LE A N Again, dietary intake is the major factor that regulates body composition. While prolonged moderate pace exercise such as aerobics will help slightly increase your caloric expenditure, it will do little to build muscle. Without strength training, you are neglecting the best fat burning tool in your arsenal: More muscle! I’m sure you’re getting the idea by now… Nothing raises the body’s resting metabolic rate more effectively than muscle. A few extra pounds of lean muscle will burn approximately the same amount of calories throughout the day that the average aerobics class will. Added muscle makes you burn more calories even while you sleep. To gain weight, increase your calorie intake and build muscle through strength training. To get lean, decrease your calorie intake and increase your resting metabolic rate by building muscle. YO U CA N’T BU I L D MU S C L E A N D LO S E FA T A T T H E SA M E TI M E If you’re just beginning this program after a long period without much exercise, with proper nutrition, you’ll experience gains in strength while losing fat at the same time. For those more advanced athletes, it’s tough, but not impossible. With a perfect balance of complex carbs, good fats, and enough protein, your body can achieve these seemingly separate goals. RE S T R I C T I V E DI E T S People often starve themselves in order to loose weight. That’s a no-go! The body is very resourceful, and it will slow down its metabolic rate in order to compensate for the lack of calories. It tries to hold onto every calorie you consume, since it is unsure when it will be fed again.Then, once you resume your normal caloric intake, your metabolic rate remains slowed down. This is why people who try restrictive diets usually gain their original weight back and often some more too. The good news is that if you want to lose weight, you should never be hungry. A well balanced diet consisting of small frequent meals (every 2.5 - 3.5 hours) is the key to long term success38 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM E N G T H TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U BI G A N D CA R D I O V A S C U L A R TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U LE STR E N G T H TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U BI G A N D CA R D I O V A S C U L A R TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U LE STR E N G T H TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U BI G A N D CA R D I O V A S C U L A R TR A I N I N G MA K E S YO U LE A N To gain weight, increase your calorie intake and build muscle through strength training. To get lean, decrease your calorie intake and increase your resting metabolic rate by building muscle YO U CA N’T BU I L D MU S C L E A N D LO S E FA T A T T H E SA M E TI If you’re just beginning this program after a long period without much exercise, with proper nutrition, you’ll experience gains in strength while losing fat at the same time S T R I C T I V E DI E T S People often starve themselves in order to loose weight. That’s a no-go! The body is very resourceful, and it will slow down its metabolic rate in order to compensate for the lack of calories. It tries to hold onto every calorie you consume, since it is unsure when it will be fed again.Then, once you resume your normal caloric intake, your metabolic rate remains slowed down. This is why people who try restrictive diets usually gain their original weight back and often some more too. The good news is that if you want to lose weight, you should never be hungry. A well balanced diet consisting of small frequent meals (every 2.5 - 3.5 hours) is the key to long term success38 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM R I C T I V E DI goals. RE S T R I C T I V E DI goals. RE S T R I C T I V E DI goals. RE S T R I C T I V E DI E T S The body is very resourceful, and it will slow down its metabolic rate in order to compensate for the lack of calories. MOTIVATION
out-of-shape owner. They just don’t get it. Your real home is not your apartment or your house or your city or even your country, but your body Your real home is not your apartment or your house or your city or even your country, but your body It is the single most important physical thing in this world you can take care of We have a choice: To take care of ourselves, or to simply let time make us worse casi merece la pena imprimir este cApitulo mean, who cannot really find the time or willpower to workout for 20 – 30 minutes, four or five times a week, and completely change their life? vendiendo la moto Quitting and failing quickly become a habit. It gets easier as we give in to it, while our commitment and resolve are strengthened every time we don’t give in to weak-mindedness si abandonas. te debikitas. si resistes. xada vez eres mas fuerte one of my short workouts pays enormous dividends once it’s over get you into the best shape of your life Consistently training and eating properly will get you there Look in the mirror and use that dissatisfaction or pride that you feel to motivate you You realize that giving in to your excuses becomes easier the more you allow it, and that your resolve strengthens each time you don’t you have made a decision to become a better person, one short workout at a time, and that is simply more important than any fatigue or stress that you might be dealing with. It’s a small, immediate sacrifice for a long and healthy life SETTING BULL’S-EYES… AND HITTING THEM! So what exactly are your goals? And what are the excuses that get in your way Your goals should answer at least these two questions: How much of something do you want to gain, loose, or do? What is your timeline Goals: Loose . 5 lbs of body fat per week. Be able to do all the exercises in the Basic program by my birthday. Go one week without chugging pancake syrup. Go one whole 10-week program without missing a workout.Excuses: I don’t have time. I’m too tired. I’m in a bad mood. I don’t feel like it. I need to relax. I’ll start over next week. I’ll make up for it.Bullshit Better Goals: Loose . 5 lbs of body fat per week. Be able to do all the exercises in the Basic program by my birthday. Go one week without chugging pancake syrup. Go one whole 10-week program without missing a workout.Excuses: I don’t have time. I’m too tired. I’m in a bad mood. I don’t feel like it. I need to relax. I’ll start over next week. I’ll make up for it.Bullshit Better Goals: Loose . 5 lbs of body fat per week. Be able to do all the exercises in the Basic program by my birthday. Go one week without chugging pancake syrup. Go one whole 10-week program without missing a workout.Excuses: I don’t have time. I’m too tired. I’m in a bad mood. I don’t feel like it. I need to relax. I’ll start over next week. I’ll make up for it.Bullshit After you’ve written your excuses out, just take a look at them. Remember them and decide now that when you hear these thoughts again, you’re going to workout despite them INTENSITY Getting in great shape requires some sacrifices. Not sacrifices of time, but instead putting your goals before your comfort TAKING IT TO THE LIMIT In order to build muscle we need to apply the right stimulus, and occasionally it’s necessary to take yourself to muscular failure and even beyond, especially the more advanced we become. We just need to be sure to use these techniques very sparingly, since their overuse will quickly lead to overtraining. After taking a set to complete or near failure you can try the following:46 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM TAKING IT TO THE LIMIT TRAINING TOOLS consultar capiulo si quiero crear mi propio programa de entrenamiento e r s: Perform one rep of any exercise, rest, perform two reps, rest, perform three reps… e r s: Perform one rep of any exercise, rest, perform two reps, rest, perform three reps… … Keep increasing your reps until going any higher would cause you to hit muscle failure on subsequent sets. Once you’ve reached that point, come back down without repeating the highest number. The rest intervals are the time it just took you to perform your reps. So you’ll have more rest as the numbers get higher, and less rest as the numbers get lower on the way back down to one. Try doing them for ten minutes with a single exercise. If you’ve reached the bottom of your Ladder (1 rep) and the set time hasn’t expired, simply start another ladder. It’s a great, high-volume, low-intensity method to build movement proficiency of any exercise. Train yourself to perform the exercises correctly. If you reach muscle failure at any point during your ladder workout, you went too high before coming back down. It’s okay to perform a ladder workout in the low rep range—possibly even using repeated single reps towards the end of the workout, in order to avoid hitting failure. Exercises where you alternate sides are done by performing the designated number of reps on both sides before resting. P u s h-P u l l L a d d e r: Perform a pushing movement immediately following a pulling movement using the Ladder format, without rest between sets. Using Pull Ups and Push Ups is a favorite in the Combat Control community. S t a p p e r s: Choose any number of exercises and repetitions, and repeat as many cycles as possible in 20 minutes. Usually three or four different exercises is best. Be sure to keep your reps low enough not to hit failure during the first couple of rounds of sets. It’s okay to take short breaks because of muscle failure, but try to keep rest to a minimum. This one can be a real butt kicker. S u p e r s e t s: Perform one exercise immediately after another. This is best done with different exercises that emphasize the same muscle group. For example, doing a set of Let Me 50 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM L a d d e r s: Perform one rep of any exercise, rest, perform two reps, rest, perform three reps… Keep come back down without repeating the highest number u s h-P u l l L a d P u s h-P u l l L a d d e r t a p p e r s S t a p p e r S t a p p e r p e r s e t s: Perform one exercise immediately after another. This is best done with different exercises that emphasize the same muscle group. For example, doing a set of Let Me 50 YOU ARE YOUR OWN GYM S u p e r s e t s b a t a s: 20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, for 8 rounds a b a t a s: 20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, for 8 rounds T a b a t a s: 20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, for 8 rounds THE EXERCISES
Please remember that each exercise is not simply about pushing or pulling yourself up as hard and fast as possible. Slow, controlled, negative movements are just as important in developing muscle. exhale as your muscles contract, and inhale as your muscles stretch THE PROGRAM It’s normal for our progress to have occasional dips and valleys for various reasons, so don’t let it discourage you. Three steps forward, one step back; four steps forward, two steps back download log sheets at Household Equipment
The 6 Necessary Training Principles behind Any Successful Program CONSISTENCY RECOVERY REGULARITY VARIETY What needs to vary is the intensity, volume, and rest between sets PROGRESSION OVERLOAD The Science behind the Program customize the program as your body changes and adapts. The key ingredient to my program is periodization periodization: Structured fluctuation of training volume and intensity. Training Volume: Number of sets multiplied by number of reps. Training Intensity switching from high-volume, low-intensity training to low-volume, high-intensity training. Simply put, a program should transition from a lot of relatively easy work to a smaller amount of more difficult work program should transition from a lot of relatively easy work to a smaller amount of more difficult work endurance, strength, and power—are emphasized for set periods of time called “blocks. ” Typically, muscular endurance is trained during the high-volume/low-intensity (HVLI) block, which is where my program uses “ladders” instead of rigid numbers of sets and reps. Strength is trained during a medium-volume/mediumintensity block with sets in the 6 - 12 rep range.Finally, power is trained during the lowvolume/high-intensity (LVHI) block with sets in the 1 - 5 rep range. The blocks progress from HVLI to LVHI by decreasing the number of reps and/or sets (volume) while increasing the amount of resistance or the difficulty of movements (intensity) muscular endurance is trained during the high-volume/low-intensity (HVLI) block, which is where my program uses “ladders” instead of rigid numbers of sets and reps. Strength is trained during a medium-volume/mediumintensity block with sets in the 6 - 12 rep range.Finally, power is trained during the lowvolume/high-intensity (LVHI) block with sets in the 1 - 5 rep range. The blocks progress from HVLI to LVHI by decreasing the number of reps and/or sets (volume) while increasing the amount of resistance or the difficulty of movements (intensity)
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